Post by Attic
Attic  PlusAU

Attic PlusAU

Home improvement

Wilston, Brisbane

Attic PlusAU

6 months ago

Attic Storage Concepts for Your Attic Storage Space

When homeowners don’t know where to put their things, they always come up with clever ideas at home. However, clutter sometimes doesn’t end here, as many of them hoard as many things as needed. 

Whether you have bigger space or not, consider how you manage your attic. This is the perfect chance to covert them into something more beautiful and functional.

Here are some attic storage concepts you can steal for your attic space:

Storage Bins with Labels

The problem with storage spaces is that people continue to use them but forget where they put things after some time. To combat this problem, try turning that one side of your attic and install storage shelves with bins. From here, you can either purchase labels or make them and put it into the storage bins.

This is an excellent idea to put away some items in your sight.

Miniature Drawers

If you are wondering where to put those smaller items that could easily get lost with larger bins, miniature drawers are the way to go. You can put some of your old computer components, desk supplies, small hardware, and most of your crafts and design supplies.

Wall Hooks 

For a cheaper price, you can store a lot of things using wall hooks. From here you won’t be needing shelves as your storage.

Your old big jackets can be hung on walls, as well as umbrellas and bags. If you are a bit home-crafty and don’t know where to store your tools, you can trust your walls. This is an easy way to spot if you have missing equipment.

Additional Space Concepts to Improve Your Attic

More often, it is not easy to enhance the aesthetics of your attic. But with skylight windows you can improve them drastically.

They are an excellent way to add lights without investing in fluorescent lights that can only produce UV radiation. Just look for reliable skylight installers in Sydney to ensure you install the right one for your attic.

In addition, you can build an attic library to showcase your books and have a cozy place to read. This is ideal if you have a smaller space in which you can’t find concentration when reading.

For more details about conversion and storage companies, check out Attic Plus.

15 Attic Space Ideas to Spice Up Your Storage

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