Current jobs related to English Teacher - Mildura - Department of Education & Training, Victoria
Teacher - Vce English & Vm Literacy
1 week ago
Department of Education & Training, Victoria MilduraMildura Senior College is an educational landmark located in the heart of Mildura, in north-west Victoria. It is 545 kilometres from Melbourne. · The college has a student population of 1024 enrolled students with Year 10 VCE and VET students undertaking accelerated studies. · Mi ...
English Teacher - Mildura - Department of Education & Training, Victoria

Strong partnerships exist between Werrimull P-12 School and its students, families, and the wider community.
The school acknowledges that families are the first and most enduring influence on a child's development and play a significant role in their learning. Transitioning from kindergarten to school is a smooth and positive process. The school works in partnership with parents to support students and develop their academic, cultural, physical, and social skills.
Curriculum planning at Werrimull involves staff working hard during and beyond normal school hours. This ensures students receive a well-rounded program aiming to develop the whole child. Core subjects like Literacy and Mathematics are important, but other subjects such as Design, Humanities, Science, and Technology also have high priority. The school offers extra support and challenge programs, including a new tutoring program. This supports some students and extends and challenges others at their point of need.
Werrimull P-12 is a wonderful school with highly qualified and committed staff dedicated to ongoing improvement for all students. With a student population of approximately 30, the school is situated in the township of Werrimull in north-western Victoria on spacious grounds. Students enjoy various areas for play and development, including a 650-metre bike track, playgrounds, a student gym, tennis court, volleyball court, full-size oval, and swimming pool onsite.
Facilities include beautiful grounds starting from the moment you enter the gates. New turf has recently been laid by students as part of their community program. The school has a multipurpose/Library, an amazing Art/Technical Design Room, fully resourced kitchen, workshop for metal work and woodwork, modern classrooms, full-size football oval, basketball courts, and other spaces including playground equipment for students of all ages to explore. Mature shade trees, lawn areas, and play areas are available. Students have planted many trees and shrubs, providing a great sense of pride in the school, particularly the shared Community Garden.
Academically, the school provides a challenging and comprehensive curriculum in a caring and stimulating environment. Teachers are highly skilled professionals from diverse backgrounds. Werrimull P-12 aims to be a dynamic, thriving, learning community. At Werrimull, we encourage confident, articulate, and independent learners demonstrating self-discipline, self-reliance, and pride in themselves and their school.
Each child's happiness, confidence, feelings of security, and belonging are coupled with an emphasis on attaining the highest standards for each and every child. We aim for them to be literate and numerate, promote health and wellbeing, and encourage interaction with others in a positive and caring way. Making good choices is often spoken about. Incursions, excursions, student leadership, speaking competitions, and camps promote personal growth, resilience, and confidence in students. At Werrimull P-12 School, each child receives care and support, where relationships with peers and staff convey respect, creating a sense of belonging and connectedness. Children are nurtured in an environment characterised by high expectations with opportunities for participation, leadership, goal setting, autonomy, and personal development through a range of extra-curricular activities. With parents, we share responsibility for encouraging children to develop a sense of purpose while building resilience.
We believe that children learn best when:
• They are actively involved in their learning
• They take responsibility for their own learning
• There is clear demonstration and expectation
• They have a positive self-esteem
• The learning fulfils their own needs, purpose, and interest
• There are positive links between home and school
Parents are encouraged to participate in our programs, sporting events, school activities, and School Council. We welcome parental/guardian support, which strengthens links between home and school to enhance educational achievements. Parental involvement covers a wide range of activities, including shared reading, sporting activities, and special events.
Programs at Werrimull P-12 are supported formally by a hard-working School Council overseeing all aspects of the school's management.
We enjoy an open and friendly atmosphere and welcome community input and feedback about our school.
Selection Criteria
SC1: Demonstrated knowledge of relevant curriculum, including literacy and numeracy skills. Experience in responding to student learning needs.
SC2: Experience in planning and implementing high-impact teaching strategies, guided by how students learn, and evaluating the impact on student learning growth.
SC3: Experience in monitoring and assessing student learning. Using data to inform teaching practice and providing feedback on student learning growth and achievement.
SC4: Interpersonal and communication skills. Establishing collaborative relationships with students, parents, colleagues, and the broader community to support student learning, agency, wellbeing, and engagement.
SC5: Behaviours and attitudes consistent with Department values. Engaging in professional learning to improve teaching quality.
The primary focus of the classroom teacher is on planning, preparation, and teaching programs to achieve specific student outcomes. Classroom teachers engage in critical reflection and inquiry to improve knowledge and skills effectively engaging students and improving their learning.
As the classroom teacher gains experience, their contribution to the school program beyond the classroom increases. All classroom teachers may undertake additional duties besides their rostered teaching duties, provided the responsibility is suitable for the salary range, qualifications, training, and experience.
Classroom Teacher Range 2
Range 2 classroom teachers play a significant role in assisting the school to improve student performance and educational outcomes. They contribute to defining quality teacher practice and provide expert advice about content, processes, and strategies shaping individual and school professional learning.
Range 2 classroom teachers will:
• Have the content knowledge and pedagogical practice to meet the diverse needs of all students
• Model exemplary classroom practice and mentor/coach other teachers to engage in critical reflection of their practice
• Provide expert advice about content, processes, and strategies shaping individual and school professional learning
• Supervise and train one or more student teachers
• Assist staff to use student data to inform teaching approaches achieving targets related to improving student learning outcomes
Classroom Teacher Range 1
The primary focus of the range 1 classroom teacher is on developing skills and competencies to become an effective classroom practitioner. They teach a range of students/classes and are accountable for the effective delivery of their programs. Range 1 classroom teachers participate in the development of school policies and programs and assist in implementing school priorities.
At range 1, teachers focus on classroom management, subject content, and teaching practice. New entrants to the teaching profession receive structured support, mentoring, and guidance from teachers at higher levels. Under guidance, new entrants plan and teach student groups in one or more subjects and participate in induction programs and other professional learning activities.
Teachers at range 1 are responsible for teaching their own classes and may assist and participate in policy development, project teams, and co-curricula activities.
The role of classroom teacher includes direct teaching, contributing to curriculum development, undertaking organisational duties, participating in parent/teacher meetings, staff meetings, camps, and excursions, and undertaking non-teaching supervisory duties.
Who May Apply
Teachers registered or eligible for registration with the Victorian Institute of Teaching and qualified to teach or have demonstrated experience in specified curriculum areas are encouraged to apply.
EEO AND OHS Commitment
The Department of Education is committed to equal opportunity, diversity, and inclusion for all. We value diversity and inclusion in all forms – gender, religion, ethnicity, LGBTIQ+, disability, and neurodiversity. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for roles within the Department.
The Department recognises the importance of family-friendly, supportive, safe, and harassment-free workplaces, promoting flexible work, diversity, and safety across all schools and Department workplaces.
Additional support and advice on the recruitment process are available to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islanders from the Koorie Outcomes Division (KOD).
Child Safe Standards
Victorian government schools are child-safe environments. Our schools actively promote the safety and wellbeing of all students, and all school staff are committed to protecting students from abuse or harm in the school environment, in accordance with their legal obligations.
All schools have a Child Safety Code of Conduct consistent with the department's exemplar.
The department's employees commit to upholding the department's Values: Responsiveness, Integrity, Impartiality, Accountability, Respect, Leadership, and Human Rights.
Teacher housing is available to the successful applicant.
Conditions of Employment
All staff employed by the Department and schools have access to employment conditions and working arrangements. Appointment of successful applicants will be made subject to a satisfactory pre-employment conditions check. A probationary period may apply during the first year of employment, and induction and support programs are provided.
Detailed information on terms and conditions of employment is available on the Department's Human Resources website.
To be eligible for employment, transfer, or promotion in the principal or teacher class, a person must have provisional or full registration from the Victorian Institute of Teaching. In addition, to be eligible for employment in the principal class or teacher class, a person who graduated from a Victorian Initial Teacher Education program after 1 July 2016, must demonstrate passing the literacy and numeracy test for initial teacher education (LANTITE) requirements.
Teacher - Vce English & Vm Literacy
Department of Education & Training, Victoria- Mildura